Monday, June 22, 2009

Star Party at the Hog Plum Ranch

I've been able to participate in a number of public star parties sponsored by the San Antonio Astronomical Association this summer. This is a simple way to spread the love of the skies with the next generation. The outreach events I have been in on have included schools, parks, and this last Saturday evening a summer family outing sponsored by a couple SW San Antonio school districts.

For a change, this star party was held at a great dark sky site, far from street lights. The Hog Plum Ranch is outside of Karnes City, TX. It was very nice to be able to see a range of Messier objects as well as the standard views of Saturn, double stars. A walk through the constellations was easier with so many stars to see.

Some of our club members had not seen omega Centauri before, and it was nice to show it on the southern horizon, as well as the ring nebula of Lyra and the great globulars in Scorpius.

For the main part of the star party, it works best to have each scope focused on one object, with no two scopes showing the same object. That keeps the kids from getting bored as they go from scope to scope. But after the crowds began to thin (there were 83 visitors at this star party and 8 telescopes) then it became possible to do a little more wandering around the sky.

After the visitors left, the astronomers began to thin out too. But I had the opportunity to spend the night at a dark sky site for my own observing program. Whoo Boy! There were others who thought of staying, but I ended up being the only observer left at midnight. It was me and the dog and a couple kittens.

There were bands of clouds that rolled in through the night, and I took advantage of those times to get an hour's worth of sleep. But there was enough time with clear skies to draw 37 double stars for the AL double star list. That pretty much catches me up until late summer or early fall, when I can get in the rest of that list.

I left at about 450 AM and drove an hour home to drop into bed for a good Father's Day morning sleep. My wife was pleasantly surprised that I was not trying to get her up before breakfast. So it was a good time for all.

Thanks to Matt R. for the photos!

1 comment:

  1. Nice write up. I would have liked to stayed with you but I wasn't ready to do that. I'm looking forward to this weekend and hopefully I can work on my messier Astronomy League List.
